Welcome to my Blog

If you are looking at this you must be friends with me - Rachel Unicomb. Thought this would be a good way to keep in touch with everyone so you can see what I'm up to on my travels. When it's all over it will also help me remember where I went! So feel free to check back whenever you like - hopefully I will find the time to keep it updated :)

Tuesday 8 February 2011

9 February – Visit to the country me Lord?

Today Murray escorted me to Hertford, the country region where he worked for some time upon first arriving in the UK. The express train trip took less than half an hour, so it wasn’t far, yet it’s a world away from the city. Also Dad, just for you, we did pass Emirates Stadium (Arsenal’s homeground) but I wasn’t quick enough for a picture – I will make sure I get it another time.
Hertford’s everything you would imagine really – rolling green hills, quaint English pubs, friendly locals, gently flowing rivers, and plenty of ducks. I especially loved seeing the houseboats moored along the riverbanks, some dishevelled, others highly cared for. We were talking to one lady who was painting the inside of her boats door, and similar intricate detailing was evident on the outside – this was their home and a lot of work had gone into it. Rather like campervanning really, it’s a lifestyle. There were lovely little old houses and cobbled streets and even the remains of a castle. I even met some lovely ladies from the local council who were very funny and offered me a local walking map with the suggestion that Murray was only really familiar with the locations of the pubs J We were extra lucky, because the sun came out and it turned out to be a rather nice day. Basically I will let the pictures speak for themselves with this one. Even in winter the colours and surroundings were quite breathtaking.

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