Welcome to my Blog

If you are looking at this you must be friends with me - Rachel Unicomb. Thought this would be a good way to keep in touch with everyone so you can see what I'm up to on my travels. When it's all over it will also help me remember where I went! So feel free to check back whenever you like - hopefully I will find the time to keep it updated :)

Saturday 12 February 2011

12 February, 2011 – To market, to market

Today I met up with a girl I met through TNT magazine and we went to Borough Markets. It was mostly fresh food here, and you have never seen so much cheese! Plus lots of exotic meats like reindeer, partridge etc. Then we went for a walk all along Southbank to Covent Garden, where there is another good market selling woodwork, paintings, interesting clocks and a variety of goods, I must go back another time. More importantly, there is also an Aussie shop nearby selling normal chocolate – yey! Mind you it’s not cheap, but it’s good to taste the familiar. Not all chocolate is bad here, other brands seem okay, it is just Cadbury’s.
There are also a lot of buskers here, my favourite being a man with his face painted and his legs hidden pretending to be a dog in a kennel. So clever, and funny. There were lots of quaint shops and pubs along the way, and although long, it was a nice walk and a good way to get your bearings. Top it all off with a hot chocolate and a white choc piece of cheesecake and it’s a good day J

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