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If you are looking at this you must be friends with me - Rachel Unicomb. Thought this would be a good way to keep in touch with everyone so you can see what I'm up to on my travels. When it's all over it will also help me remember where I went! So feel free to check back whenever you like - hopefully I will find the time to keep it updated :)

Wednesday 2 February 2011

1 February, 2011 – Now that’s a Museum

Had to get the phonebox shot

Mmm Paddington
Today Murray escorted me to the British Museum. This place is huge!!! There are five levels, and entry is free. It is just so amazing to think that this place houses some of the most ancient artefacts in to world. One of the first things you encounter is the Rosetta Stone, complete with its three types of ancient writing. Then there’s some of the artefacts from ancient Greece, including ancient pottery, crockery, coins, statues, spearheads, figures and more. The remnants of an ancient mausoleum were also of interest.  I was lucky to look around a quarter of the place in the time we had, so decided I would go back the next day. We then went down to Waterloo and took a river cruise along the Thames, thus avoiding peak hour Tube time – which is pretty hectic. The cruise took us to Tower Bridge via Big Ben, St Paul’s Cathedral and more. Then it was time to get off for a look at the bridge and the Tower of London. The Tower really is one of the most impressive things I’ve seen yet, I can’t wait to go back and check it out properly. After dinner at a local pub, we rounded the day off with a quick trip to Piccadilly Circus, Leicester Square and Chinatown, as I wanted to go back on Sunday when they celebrate the Chinese New Year. This year is the year of the rabbit – I think that’s my year actually.


Rosetta Stone

Cruise on the Thames


Outside the Museum

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