Welcome to my Blog

If you are looking at this you must be friends with me - Rachel Unicomb. Thought this would be a good way to keep in touch with everyone so you can see what I'm up to on my travels. When it's all over it will also help me remember where I went! So feel free to check back whenever you like - hopefully I will find the time to keep it updated :)

Saturday 5 February 2011

5 February, 2011 – Break Day

Today I simply had a much needed rest and caught up on some communications, blogging and minor job hunting J Just a minor note though – the Cadbury’s chocolate here is horrible! It has a completely different taste and is quite revolting. And watch out, because they have already started changing some of the Australian chocs to the UK recipe. On the plus side, they haven’t yet done away with the sickening unhealthy but delicious breakfast cereal Frosties – so that’s a plus!

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