Welcome to my Blog

If you are looking at this you must be friends with me - Rachel Unicomb. Thought this would be a good way to keep in touch with everyone so you can see what I'm up to on my travels. When it's all over it will also help me remember where I went! So feel free to check back whenever you like - hopefully I will find the time to keep it updated :)

Sunday 30 January 2011

29 January, 2011 - Departure

Well the time has flown and before I know it the time had come to leave for the airport. There were tears all round as I headed off on my own through customs, leaving Mum, Dad, my sister and George behind. Upon entering customs it’s nothing but rush, rush, rush and I don’t have enough hands to pull out everything I need to from my bag quick enough. Then I have some time to wander around Sydney airport. Mmmm would I like to purchase that $4,000 Swarovski diamond encrusted bottle of alcohol? It is duty free after all.
It’s a long walk to the check-in gate and upon arrival my dear friend Belinda rings to make sure I haven’t fallen apart! Thanks mate. Then it’s on board for the 17 hour flight to Abu Dhabi. What can I say about the flight – it’s long!!!! And I understand even better now why they call it cattle class. The space really is no bigger than on a domestic plane and I cannot stress enough the importance of an aisle seat. There isn’t even room for you to politely push past the person next to you. They have to move to let you out every time. Second observation – the toilets flush really loudly. They take a second to kick in, so I had my back turned by the time it actually flushed and it sounded like a giant hole had been ripped in the fuselage behind me – be aware of that. I managed to watch a few films but kept drifting in and out of consciousness. Didn’t get any real sleep and I found my legs did actually get quite sore by the end. For anyone that hasn’t travelled, be sure to walk around the plane and stretch your legs – even better if you can do so without hitting sleeping passengers in the head or having them stare at you as if you have gone mad simply because you’re doing some stretches.  The worst idea is to check the map of the plane’s flight progress – where you are in the world. There’s nothing like thinking you’ve had a nice long nap, and are well on the way, only to discover you are still flying over Australia.

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